The University of Texas at Dallas
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Spring 2022 A&H Graduation Spotlight

To celebrate the Class of 2022, we asked some of our graduating Comets to share their plans for the future or a fond memory of attending A&H at UTD.

Here’s what they had to say…

Visit our full coverage of all Spring 2022 A&H ceremonies.

Hayden Lopez

Hayden Lopez

BA, Visual and Performing Arts – Theatre

Plans to pursue a career in Theatre Education.

Jordan Klein

Jordan Klein

BA, Philosophy

Will be joining the Peace Corps.

Jay Cal Nelson III

Jay (Cal) Nelson III

BA, Philosophy

Will be attending grad school at Duquesne University, focusing on philosophy with the goal of getting a PhD and becoming a professor.

Maulin Agrawal

Maulin Agrawal

BA, Visual and Performing Arts

“I loved studio classes because I learn better when it’s hands-on and I get to create something”

Paul Monaco

Paul Monaco

BA, Visual and Performing Arts

Plans to get his MA at UTD starting in the fall.

Misti Sutton

Misti Sutton

BA, Literature

“My time at UTD confirmed my lifelong love of reading and pointed me on the path for my future career working in a library.”

Ryan Brown

Ryan Brown

BA, Visual and Performing Arts – Visual Art

“My favorite memory is creating my own art gallery at the SP/N gallery. As for my future, I plan to explore my talent further in the world of fine arts.”

Derek Hyungwook Park

Derek Hyungwook Park

BA, Visual and Performing Arts – Dance

“Nothing set and stone yet but I want to travel around the world while spreading my love for dance. My favorite UTD memory has to be performing for the UTD Ensemble Showcase and getting to meet so many great people.”

Douglas Laman

Douglas Laman

MA, Visual and Performing Arts – Film Studies

“I might continue my education in the future but for now I’m going to rest and apply all that I’ve learned about film to my freelance film writing jobs online!”

Melinda Kalanzis

Melinda Kalanzis

BA, Visual and Performing Arts – Theatre

“I’m completing an apprenticeship with Commonwealth Shakespeare Company and founding a theatre company in Boston! My favorite A&H memories are of the friends I’ve met here and the flash mobs we did on campus for Rocky Horror!”

Andrew Iniguez

Andrew Iniguez

BA, Literature

“I will work full-time for a bit, then go for a master’s in library science to become a librarian. I may even attempt a PhD, but mostly just for bragging rights.”

Amelia Neild

Amelia Neild

BA, Philosophy

“I will be moving to New York to pursue acting professionally.”

Jenna Lawrence

Jenna Lawrence

MA, History

“I was just commissioned on Saturday into the United States Army as an intelligence officer.”

Nathan Lewis Conard

Nathan Lewis Conard

MA, Literature

Plans to enter the publishing industry as an editor.

Jasmin Behnam

Jasmin Behnam

BA, Literature

“I want to make a change in the classroom as an English II teacher.”

Micayla Hemphill

Micayla Hemphill

BA, Visual and Performing Arts – Visual Art

“I am looking forward to creating my own art and working in a gallery or museum. My favorite UTD memory is making new friends every semester.”

Matthew Kies

Matthew Kies

PhD, Humanities – Aesthetic Studies

“Conquer the world one fiber at a time!”

Isaac Morano

Isaac Morano

MA, Literature

“I am moving forward in my education, and will be going into my PhD at the University of Arizona this fall!”

Patricia Mathu

Patricia Mathu

BA, History

“I’m headed to a fellowship to research agriculture and the climate crisis at The Breakthrough Institute! I am so thankful for all the A&H faculty and mentors who have shaped my past four years!”

Rica Lelina

Rica Lelina

BA, Literary Studies

“I’m so excited to continue on at UTD working as the Program Specialist for the Writing Center & CommLab (Student Success Center). And I’m so grateful for my time in A&H as a Gemini Ambassador! I am excited to see the school continue to grow.”

John Cakerice

John Cakerice

MA, Literature

Plans to pursue a PhD in literature at UTD.

Yen Nhi Ngo

Yen Nhi Ngo

BA, Literature

Hopes to become a writer.

Jerry Jay Peeples

Jerry (Jay) Peeples

MA, Visual and Performing Arts – Visual Arts

Intend on going on the road with travel photography as a profession.

Rachel Goode

Rachel Goode

BA, History

Will be working at UTD in data services.

Jessica Ranspot

Jessica Ranspot

BA, Literature

Will be teaching at Mesquite ISD.

Crissie May

Crissie May

BA, History

“I am planning on working at a law firm.”