The University of Texas at Dallas
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Upcoming RAW Conference Bridges Disciplines Through “Bait, Prompt, and Aid”

The Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology at UT Dallas is proud to host the 16th Annual Research, Art and Writing (RAW) Graduate Student Conference on March 1, 2025.  

This year’s theme, “Bait, Prompt, and Aid,” invites critical dialogue on cultural identity, migration, colonial legacies, and heritage preservation, bridging embodied and digital interactions across disciplines such as art, humanities, technology, literature, film, and history. 

The RAW Conference celebrates research, art, and writing with a new prompt for 2025.

The day-long event will feature research presentations, multimedia projects, performances, and a gallery exhibition.  

The conference is co-organized by PhD students and teaching associates Maryam Takalou and Maureen Okwulogu. Panels will be held in the Edith O’Donnell Arts and Technology Building (ATC), showcasing research from UT Dallas scholars and contributors worldwide. 

“This year’s theme challenges conventional norms while providing a platform for emerging scholars to engage with pressing global issues,” Okwulogu said. 

The RAW Confrence 2025 has the theme of "Bait. Prompt, and Aid"
The Bass School’s Dean: Dr. Nils Roemer with co-organizers of the RAW Conference: Maryam Takalou and Maureen Okwulogu.

A highlight of the conference is the keynote address by Grace Aneiza Ali, curator, assistant professor in the Department of Art and Art History, and affiliated faculty at the Native American and Indigenous Studies Center at Florida State University. In 2024, Professor Ali received the University Provost Award for Inclusive Teaching and is currently an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow at The Huntington Library and Museum, as well as a Stuart A. Rose Library Fellow at Emory University. Professor Ali’s presence extends beyond the keynote, with opportunities for studio visits, open discussions, and collaborative events leading up to the conference. 

“Professor Ali’s expertise as an art historian, well-known curator, and editor will inspire and support participants, enriching our discussions and collaborations,” Takalou said. 

While the conference’s fresh theme could make organizing challenging, it has attracted a significant number of abstract submissions, including contributions from UTD students, regional and out-of-state graduate students, and national and even international institutions. This ensures a rich diversity of perspectives that will elevate this annual tradition.