SP/N Gallery Exhibition Proposals UT Dallas > Bass School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology > SP/N Gallery > SP/N Gallery Exhibition Proposals SP/N Gallery Exhibition Proposals This form is to be used by UT Dallas students or faculty who wish to submit an exhibition proposal for consideration by the SP/N Gallery. Students must have a faculty member agree to serve as an exhibition advisor. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Name * Name First First Last Last UTD Email * Select One * Student Faculty Select Semester for Exhibition * Fall 2025 Spring 2026 Area of Study/Degree * Year of Study * Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Masters Doctorate Faculty Advisor's Name * Faculty Advisor's Email * Title * School, Department * Exhibition Description * (150-300 word description about the exhibition theme, types of artworks to be included, and a list of participating artists). Select Proposed Space Gallery 1a Gallery 1b Gallery 1a&b Gallery 2 (Faculty only) Reception Gallery Gallery reserves the right to assign space based on availability and specific needs. Display Needs Pedestal(s) Shelf/Shelves Projector(s) Monitor(s) Audio Equipment Budget * The gallery will supply basic installation and maintenance materials. This line is for any proposed additional costs such as printing, fabrication supplies, or materials to be ordered. Gallery will not incur any exhibition costs unless approved in advance. Link to your images, proposed installation design/artwork schematics, checklist Please upload your files to a folder on your UTD Box account, Dropbox, Google Drive, or similar and share a link to the folder with us. If you do not have a way of providing the images in this way, you may email us the images after you've finished submitting this online form. spngallery@utdallas.edu Captcha UT Dallas Privacy Policy Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.