The University of Texas at Dallas
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Texas Guitar Competition and Festival: Prizes and Sponsors

Competition Prizes

Youth Competition (both divisions)
  • First Place: $300
  • Second Place: $200
  • Third Place: $100

plus merchandise from SAVAREZ

Adult Competition (ages 18+)
  • First Place: $3,000
  • Second Place: $2,000
  • Third Place: $1,000
  • Fourth Place: $500
  • Audience Choice Award: $500

plus merchandise from SAVAREZ.

Per U.S. IRS regulations, prizes awarded to non-U.S. citizens may be subject to tax withholding, dependent upon the current tax treaty between the U.S. and the winner’s country of citizenship. U.S. citizens who are awarded prizes will not have tax withheld, and will receive an IRS Form 1099 from UT Dallas at the end of the year if the total of earnings from UT Dallas are $600 or more.


UTD logo

Richard Kurjan

Virginia and Russell Cleveland

Joseph and Deonne Sullivan

Guitar Advisory Council

Bass Council

Alhambra Guitarras

Competition Directors:
Kathryn Evans, Executive Director
James Wilder, Artistic Director
Eddie Healy, Youth Competition Co-Director
Vanessa Corder, Youth Competition Co-Director
Dan Hodan, Youth Competition Co-Director
Nikhil Chaturvedi, Student Marketing Assistant

Ex Officio Members of the Guitar Advisory Council:
Nils Roemer, Dean, Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology at UT Dallas
Kathryn Evans
Enric Madriguera, (d. April 14, 2024)
Dennis Kratz
Cindy Pitney
James Wilder

Members of the Guitar Advisory Council:
Russell Cleveland, Chairman
Suvanee Chirachanchi
Michael Craddock
Anne Findley
Chad Hunter
Lori Ann Jones
Richard Kurjan
Camille Fu
Christina Madriguera
Julie Madriguera
Joseph Sullivan
Wei W. Wang