The University of Texas at Dallas
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Issue 16 | August 2021: Faculty Book Release

Dr. Ming Dong Gu, professor of literature and associate director for the UT Dallas Center for Asian Studies, provides a comprehensive investigation of Chinese and Western studies. Fusion of Critical Horizons in Chinese and Western Language, Poetics, Aesthetics

A new book by Dr. Ming Dong Gu, professor of literature and associate director for the UT Dallas Center for Asian Studies, provides a comprehensive investigation of Chinese and Western studies. Fusion of Critical Horizons in Chinese and Western Language, Poetics, Aesthetics covers a broad spectrum of critical discourses and uncovers connections among a wide range of thinkers, theorists, scholars, and aestheticians. Dr. Dennis Kratz, Ignacy and Celina Rockover Professor of Literature and director of the Center for Asian Studies, said Gu emphasizes nuanced dialogue and “fusion” rather than “opposition” of Chinese and Western horizons. “His learned voice is a welcome corrective in this era characterized too often by multiple forms of fragmentation,” said Kratz.