The University of Texas at Dallas
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CUSLAI Hosts Día de Muertos Celebration

An acclaimed U.S.-Mexico border author Francisco Cantú is speaking to his audience about his book.

The Harry W. Bass School commemorated the Day of the Dead through a series of events presented by the UT Dallas Center for U.S.-Latin America Initiatives (CUSLAI). The CUSLAI Día de Muertos Symposium, titled “Emotional Nepantla,” unfolded over two days, paying homage to the emotional space where individuals navigate internal struggles between two cultures.

The festivities commenced with the unveiling of the “Día de Muertos Living Altar” at the AHT 3.102 Gallery. Showcasing works from Creative Writing, Digital Art and Design, and Time-Based Media classes of this semester, the exhibition will remain open through Nov. 14. 🥳

CUSLAI further engaged the public with a Día de Muertos storytelling event on Nov. 1st. The event featured poetry performances, a creative writing fiction workshop, readings, and an award presentation. Notable guests included acclaimed U.S.-Mexico border author Francisco Cantú and singer/songwriter Rita Cantú, along with other esteemed panelists. The celebration continued with an in-depth video interview with Francisco and Rita as part of CUSLAI’s Community Digital Archive Project the following day. 📖

If you’re seeking ways to get involved with this amazing center and its initiatives, make sure to follow them on social media at @cuslaiutd.