The University of Texas at Dallas
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Issue 07 | September 2020: Center for Translation Studies Launches New Podcast

Dr. Rainer Schulte

The Center for Translation Studies has launched a new podcast that highlights translation, translators, international writers, editors, and publishers. Targeting those who are interested in international literature and cultures, the Translating the World podcast is primarily hosted by Dr. Rainer Schulte, professor of arts and humanities and the Katherine R. Cecil Professor in Foreign Languages, and Dr. Sarah Valente, visiting assistant professor of arts and humanities, as guest host.  

In the first episode, Schulte discusses translation, the creation of the American Literary Translators Association, and how translation has evolved in the 21st century. The second episode features Ellen Elias-Bursać, one of the most prominent translators of Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian of our time. Her well-known translation of David Albahari’s novel Götz and Meyer is one of the more outstanding that has come into the picture in recent years.

Upcoming episodes are:

September 25: Ep. 3: Colombian author Juan Cárdenas and translator Lizzie Davis 

October 9: Ep. 4: German publisher and editor Christine Becker

October 23: Ep. 5: translator Thomas Hoeksema

November 6: Ep. 6: Brazilian journalist and author Bernardo Kucinski

Episodes of Translating the World are available on and on all podcast platforms such as Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, and Spotify.