The University of Texas at Dallas
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Dean’s Advisory Council

The Dean’s Advisory Council serves as a liaison between the Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology and the community. Both individually and collectively, board members assist the dean in matters that involve community outreach and fundraising support. This group generally meets two to three times annually.

Dr. Bill Swart ’17, Chair
Mr. Larry Bassuk
Dr. Claire Burrows ’03 ’06
Mr. Jonathan Campos ’03
Dr. Dallie Clark ’12
Mr. Russell Cleveland
Dr. Suzanne Cole ’99
Mr. Jerry Comer ’77
Ms. Sherry Tucker Cox ’14
Mr. Angelo “Flip” DeFilippo
Mr. Asif Effendi
Mrs. Deb Gelman
Ms. Jin-Ya Huang ’95
Mr. Richard Kurjan ’82
Mr. Stan Levenson
Mr. Steve Lumley
Ms. Emily Luth ’17
Ms. Tenay Mathis
Dr. Brian McCall ’06

Mr. Harry McClintock
Mrs. Heather Moore
Mrs. Pat Porter
Ms. Mary Edmiston Potter
Ms. Geralyn Richard
Mrs. Michelle Riddell
Ms. KC Schanbaum ’11, ’14
Mr. William Skeeters
Dr. Marvin Stone
Mr. Don Stone
Ms. Donna Swanson ’20
Ms. Barb Sypult
Ms. Meredith Tavallaee
Mr. Ron Taylor
Dr. Shirl Terrell ’80, ’12
Dr. Alex Topete ’11 ’17 ’20 ’21
Ms. Katherine Wagner
Mr. Nathan Wicker
Mr. Peter C. Zwick

Graduates in regalia waving at University Commencement

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