The University of Texas at Dallas
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Humanities students


About Humanities

Humanities brings together scholars from history, philosophy, literature, creative writing, art history, film studies, and the performing arts committed to transnational and interdisciplinary humanistic study and practice approaches. Our graduate programs provide students with an interdisciplinary context to pursue research across all the arts and humanities.

Humanities students have the flexibility to design their course of study, collaborating with faculty in all areas of the Bass School. Graduates from the doctoral program in the Humanities go on to pursue academic careers and futures in education, public service, nonprofit management, the arts, and more.


Author, editor, curator, grant writer, public relations, copywriter, social worker, development director

Program Highlights

The Master of Arts in Humanities degree program is designed both for individuals wishing to enhance their knowledge and academic skills and for students intending to pursue a doctorate in a humanistic field. Students seeking the MA in Humanities may elect a professional option or a research option. Students with plans for doctoral study should choose the research option. The research option requires students to demonstrate proficiency in an approved foreign language and to complete a thesis.

Humanities in Art History library


Students in the Humanities benefit from the opportunity to work with faculty in all areas in the Bass School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology and the flexibility to design their own course of study. Our faculty members will help you gain the knowledge, skills and support you need for a rewarding career.

Research Opportunities

Our graduate students conduct and present research national and internationally. See a sample of our graduate students’ accomplishments.

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Student Groups

The Bass Association of Graduate Students provides professional development and social networking opportunities for graduate students in the Bass School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology. Each spring, this group hosts a graduate student conference called RAW. RAW (“Research, Arts, and Writing”) provides graduate students the opportunity to share their work with their colleagues and professors in a formal conference setting.

Contact Information

Shilyh Warren

Shilyh Warren
Associate Professor and Area Head
Phone: 972-883-6316
Office: JO 4.510A

Bass School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology
The University of Texas at Dallas, JO31
800 W. Campbell Road
Richardson, TX 75080-3021
Phone: 972-883-2759 or 972-883-2980


Graduate Advising: