The University of Texas at Dallas
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Digital Music

Ambient music, orchestral reproductions, music for games, techno dance music, film scores, unearthly sound effects, electro-acoustic music, music publishing, pop, rock, synthesized sound, practicing jazz improvisation: What do they all have in common? They all use techniques of music production that can be explored in Digital Music I (MUSI 2319) and Digital Music II (MUSI 3389).

The Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) lab at The University of Texas at Dallas, under the direction of Kelly Durbin, offers students the opportunity to create their own professional sounding music for the project of their choice – whether it be music for a game they have written, a video that needs scoring or any other music recording project. Students are introduced to MIDI recording and editing techniques, as well as basic digital audio techniques. Students also learn scoring/notation techniques for producing professional quality printed music. Using these various techniques, students are free to explore their own personal area of musical interest in a project-based environment.

For more information, contact Kelly Durbin at